BRAC International

BRAC International is officially registered as a foundation with the name of Stichting BRAC International. It is registered under the laws of The Netherlands, with its seat in The Hague. The foundation was formed on March 16, 2009 with an objective to be engaged in charitable purposes and social welfare activities in any country of the world strictly on non-profit basis, and to do all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the aforementioned objective. Its RSIN (Rechtspersonen en Samenwerkingsverbanden Informatienummer) number is 820561320.

All of BRAC International’s development entities operate under this umbrella. Development programmes include health, education, agriculture, livelihoods, targeting the ultra poor, human rights and legal services programmes. BRAC International Holdings B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Stichting BRAC International and was incorporated in 2010. BRAC International’s microfinance programmes, social enterprises, investment companies and regulated finance companies are consolidated under this wing. Social programme supporting enterprises currently include seed production, feed mill, training centers, tissue culture lab etc.

Currently, BRAC International has programmes in Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Philippines, Myanmar, Rwanda, Kenya, Netherlands and Ghana.

About sbiCloud

BRAC International is implementing Enterprise Resource Planning [ERP] system named sbiCloud.

sbiCloud will have the following modules: Accounts, Microfinance, Human Resource, Budget and on.

This new system has been designed to maintain transparency and responsiveness by providing relevant, accurate and real-time information aimed to enhance the services of all operations. The sbiCloud is a full integration of all our functional areas with drill-down, roll-up and electronic approval facilities. It is a web based application which is designed to increase the efficiency of operations, assist in continued growth and improve internal controls.

It is noted that the footprint of sbiCloud implementation has first started in Uganda, in June 2013 and the process continues.

Version: SBI.2.52.0